Hanna’s Tomato Tastings 2006

My tomatoes are (finally) ripening and I have been feasting on many, many tomatoes in the past week or so.

Since there are hundreds of varieties of tomatoes, both heirloom and hybrid, to grow in the garden, one frequently has to rely on the advice and reviews of other gardeners to decide which tomatoes you will plant in your garden in the upcoming year. It is either that, or settle for the same old tomatoes you grow every year and spend a whole year wondering what delicious gem you are missing out on. Personally, I think wondering about what could have been better just sucks, but that is just me.

Even if you have your favorites, I would recommend that everyone try at least one new tomato in their garden each year. Biodiversity is important to both the planet and for the holy quest for the perfect tomato.

This year, I planted 16 different varieties of heirloom tomatoes. These varieties were:

Bonus Tastings

So to help both my memory and your possible selections for next year, I am going to do a review of each tomato type. As I finish a review, I will link from this page to the review.

If you have grown a tomato on this list and have written your own review, simply leave a comment containing the URL of the tasting on the post about that tomato. As always, you can simply chime in within the comment your thoughts on that tomato.

If you would like to review a tomato that is not on this page, then leave a comment here with the name of the tomato variety and either the URL to the review on your site or just your thoughts on it.

BTW, if you have an opinion about a tomato that differs from mine, please post it. Tomatoes are much like wine. Everybody likes and dislikes things for different reasons. I promise, I will not be offended if you think a tomato I like is just the worst thing you ever tried.

So, here we go. Hanna’s Tomato Tastings 2006 is about to begin.

6 thoughts on “Hanna’s Tomato Tastings 2006
  1. Pingback: Hanna’s Tomato Tastings 2007 | This Garden Is Illegal

  2. Pingback: Hanna’s Tomato Tastings 2008

  3. Chris Brown on

    Hi Hanna, I am an avid grower, seller, buyer in all things that grow! I was directed to your site in my interest in Iraqi tomatoes! Although, I found your common use of cuss words offensive, I could not get to the tomatoe part! I hope you find this a help in that I send it only for that reason! Thanks, Chris Brown

  4. Hanna on

    Thanks for stopping by. Actually, no, did not find your comment helpful at all. My blog, my words. Don’t like my words, don’t read my blog. 😉 Using the words I want is kind of the point of a blog.

  5. sam fraser on

    Hi, I came across your website through a search on tomatoes. I am looking for someone who can tell me what a specific tomato was that I ate or some variety like it. Around 2003 I was living in Eugene, OR and my neighbor grew some tomatoes that were better than anything I had tasted before or since. They were really earthy, kind of similar to the smell of the vine (but really complex), and sweet. They were about 3 to 4 inches across, medium size. If you could tell me what they might of been or something similar I’d be so grateful. After I ate them tomatoes became my favorite fruit, and I like them better than any vegetable. I’d like to find some and grow them this summer.


  6. Pingback: Hanna’s Tomato Tastings 2009

  7. Pingback: Hanna’s Tomato Tastings 2010

  8. Rick Francen on

    Hanna, I just found your site while trying to find new varieties to try this year. I see in 2006 you tried Opalka and had a crop failure.

    I encourage you to try again. Not sure what happened to your plants in 2006, but I grew them and they went gangbusters, HUGE yields and the best plum type tomato I ever had. In fact, the flavor was great just eating like a regular slicing tomato. Big yields, big flavor. I hope you try it again.

  9. Pingback: Hanna’s Tomato Tastings 2011

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