

Lamb’s Ear: Nature’s Teddy Bear and Band-Aid

Once upon a time, before the street corner devastation of the CVS/Walgreens drug wars, during a time when people went to apothecaries to get their medicine and hoped they didn’t wake up dead, pharmaceuticals were dodgy and cloth bandages… well, Read more ›

FREAK: Chartreuse Sweet Potato Vine

The world loves a freak. I mean how else could you explain the popularity of Paris Hilton a Britney Spears, beside mass planetary alien abduction. Okay, I will give you that the sex tape went a long way to help Read more ›

Witness the Death of a Hen & Chick Plant

It is always a bitter sweet moment when one of my Hens and Chick plants flowers. The flowers are so striking and lovely but what those flowers ultimately mean are that the Hen and Chick plant will die. The mature Read more ›

Hydrangea: The Garden Jerk

My hydrangea is now in full bloom and mine blooms on the blue side of the hydrangea color spectrum. I have worked hard over the past five years to keep my hydrangea dressed in blue. Most of my neighbors have Read more ›

Isn’t It Adorable: Micro Tom Tomatoes

Yesterday, I decided that I needed to go plant shopping to lift my spirits a bit. It’s funny, but I am not a shopper in the way that women are stereotypically thought to be shoppers. I only own 3 pairs Read more ›

Adding Insult to Injury – Lettuce in the Lawn

Do you know what is worse than feeling like you are a vegetable growing failure? Discovering that while your concerted efforts to grow lettuce in the vegetable garden have failed miserably, your lawn sees fit to grow volunteer lettuce. I Read more ›